Magi Grandson Chapter 05 : Menaklukan Iblis

Hari ini, aku pergi ke hutan dengan kakek.

Hi, aku Shin, dan aku sudah menginjak usia 10 tahun.

Aku telah tumbuh lebih tinggi juga. Sekarang aku baru saja ingat penampilan seperti apa yang kumiliki di dunia ini ...

Meski sedikit terlambat untuk menyebutkan ini, aku tampaknya memiliki sedikit wajah gaya barat dengan rambut hitam dan mata hitam? struktur wajahku tidak seperti orang Jepang dari duniaku sebelumnya namun memiliki fitur yang lebih dalam.

Sebaliknya, penampilanku terlihat seperti seorang pemuda baik-baik, tampan, dan hampir bisa keliru dianggap sebagai wanita. Namun, aku tidak tahu standar kecantikan di dunia ini. Kebetulan, rambut hitam dan mata hitam adalah hal umum di dunia ini. Dengan demikian, tidak ada diskriminasi atau penindasan, begitulah.

Magi Grandson Chapter 04

Chapter 04: Magic Tool Creation

Aku ke hutan sekali lagi,  hari ini. 

Untuk mencari sesuatu untuk berburu. Atau lebih tepatnya, aku sudah tinggal di hutan hingga sekarang.

Halo lagi, itu Shin, aku telah menginjak usia 8 tahun, dan aku telah tumbuh sedikit.

Setelah pelatihan mengerikan Michel-san, keterampilanku secara keseluruhan telah rata atas. Itu benar. Dalam kasus apapun, itu karena aku sekarang dapat menggunakan sihir peningkatan fisik. Berbicara tentang hal-hal yang telah berubah dalam tiga tahun terakhir, seni bela diriku bukan satu-satunya hal yang telah membaik.

Aku mendapatkan instruktur tambahan. Bahkan, sihir tidak hanya terdiri dari mengendalikan kekuatan sihir dan melepaskannya, tetapi ada juga jenis sihir yang disebut "Enchantment," yang digunakan untuk menuliskan sihir pada peralatan,  jenis sihir yang tidak kake kuasai.

I Play DC Hero In Marvel 004: Little spider's black powder den

  Anton opened the office program on his computer and typed the movie title.

Batman: The Dark knight Rise!

His golden Finger not only gave him the DC hero template but also made him unforgettable. The unforgettable here does not simply mean that he has a good memory but also represents the standard configuration of entertainment novels. In other words, he remembers everything he has experienced in his previous life. He remembers everything clearly. He even remembers every detail of his peeing on the bed when he was three years old. 

Regardless of the movies, he could repeat all the lines and soundtracks as long as he had seen them. Of course, Anton knows nothing about scriptwriting. He plans to expand the original Batman background based on the movie plot in his mind, trying to write his first write 200,000 words novel. After writing a few words with a pen, Anton pushed his brain, realizing that he was a second rich generation. So, Anton only prepared a rough outline, planning to find a few more screenwriters when contacting the filmmakers through the relationship of his old man the next day.

"The happiness of the rich cannot be imagined by the poor."

Anton lay on the expensive and exquisite European-style bed, imagining the future with joy, and fell asleep looking at the ceiling. Things went smoothly unexpectedly. After coming out of the system space, Anton immediately had the idea of ​​creating a virtual star to praise Batman in response to the fan value or popularity specified by the system.

For example, the characters like One Piece, the Monkey King in ancient Chinese mythology, Odin and the gods in Norse mythology, and Zeus and the gods in Greek mythology are all familiar figures in the world.

Frankly speaking, this is the easiest, most convenient, and most labor-saving way. Of course, it was a bit expensive. Once it’s successful, he could harvest the fan value and their money. If you can embark on a virtuous circle, you will count the birds with one stone.

There is no better way than this!

As for whether Batman can attract fans and achieve the expected effect of popularity, Anton is very confident. Just looking at the past lives, superhero culture sweeping the world, you know how hot this trend is. Not to mention, this is Marvel world. The world where superheroes exist. A huge market that has not developed yet.

Time is like quicksand, and one night passes quickly. Anton opened his eyes and woke up slowly. As soon as He came downstairs, Jonah Jameson was eating breakfast.

"What about the script?" Jameson glanced at him, speaking coldly.

But Anton was not in a hurry and smiled secretly. This Tsundere elder. If Anton wants to accompany his cheap dad, he will build a rocket to send Anton there.

"The outline has been written." Anton Turned around, found the printer, imported the document, and printed a few sheets of paper. There were densely written backgrounds, character settings, and synopsis.

"Do you call this a script?"

Jameson's mouth twitched. Regret, how could he believe in this fool last night? 

What can he expect from this grandson?

"Look at it before you talk."

Anton is not impatient. Although he didn't write much, the synopsis story on this piece of paper could possess the necessary conditions to move people's hearts.

Jameson used to be the newspaper boss. He has worked in journalism for decades and can be considered half a literary worker. He has the fundamental ability to differentiate whether a piece of news is attractive and can roughly tell whether a story has a selling point. After watching the "Batman" story for a few minutes, Jameson's face changed, surprised.

"You write this story? Didn't you copy it?"

Jameson couldn't believe it. As Anton’s grandfather, he never felt that Anton had the slightest ability to become a creator.

"Where to copy? Do you think those busy reporters will be idle and tell stories to please me?”

"Well, although there are only a few pieces of paper. You made me a little convinced!"

Jameson pondered for a moment. He will use his relationship in the entertainment industry to help Anton set up this shelf. Anyway, it is not difficult for him. Although he doesn’t know what method Anton used to get investment from the bully Tony Stark, in this way, no matter how much he loses, it has nothing to do with his family. Borrow chickens to lay eggs by using an empty bet. Jameson can see clearly.

"I can help you find someone, but I won't give you a cent." Jameson looked at Anton: "You need to talk about everything yourself. If you can satisfy me, I won't intervene in your life in the future."

"Don't worry. I won't let you have another chance."

Anton smiled. He inherited all of Anton's memories and knew his place in Jameson's heart. To outsiders, Jameson is a stubborn, black-hearted businessman who values ​​interests and doesn’t care about favors. For Anton, Jameson will always be the arrogant grandfather with a knife-mouthed and tofu heart.

"By the way, don't quit from Daily Bugle for the time being. I will find another editor-in-chief to replace you." Jameson thought for a while and said, "As for you, You will take the name of deputy editor. Anyhow, there is a way out."

"no problem." Anton nodded and curiously said: "Speaking of which, who is the new editor-in-chief? Betty, she..."

"Eddie Brooke." Jameson interrupted him and said: "Eddie is a well-known reporter for the Global Journal. He has been in the business for almost ten years. Maybe you have never heard of it, but he..."

"No, I have heard of it."  This time it was Anton’s turn to interrupt Jameson " I know him."

"That's good."

 Jameson is not surprised.  After all, Anton has been the editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle for some time. Knowing Eddie brock shows that Anton has done some business during this period and learned about industry trends.

"Why did you look for him?"

"A few days ago, Eddie brock was banned by the Global Journal and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Someone asked me to give him a job." Jameson was expressionless, "I planned to refuse, but you just said I wanted to change a job, so I thought of him."

"Speaking again, why can't it be Betty?"

"You can become the editor-in-chief because you are my grandson. Do you think Betty can control the newspaper alone?"

"It makes sense."

Anton was speechless. However, Venom works for my own family, which is exciting. It's not a little spider, and Venom will be colleagues in the future. Plus J. Jonah Jameson, the black fan of Spider-Man…

The Daily Bugle isn’t Little-spider black powder den anymore!

Magi Grandson Chapter 03 : Tumbuh Sedikit



Aku saat ini sedang memperhatikan burung bersembunyi di dalam hutan yang agak terpencil dan subur.

Saat ini, burung-burung mematuki makanan mereka, ketika mereka tiba-tiba berhenti dan mencoba untuk terbang. Namun, pada telapak tanganku, aku menghasilkan sihir yang disebut 'Gelombang Vacuum ' dan menembak ke arah burung.

Ketika burung mencoba terbang, gelombang vakum menyerang, memotong lehernya, dan itu jatuh tanpa pertahanan.


Aku mendekati burung yang aku bunuh, menggali lubang menggunakan sihir, dan memegang kaki burung, membiarkan tetes darah dari lehernya ke dalam lubang.

Jika seseorang membunuh hewan dan tidak menguras darahnya, daging hewan akan menjadi berdarah. Dan ketika berdarah, aromanya akan menarik hewan lain.

I Play DC Hero In Marvel: Chapter 003 J Jonah Jameson

I Play DC Hero In Marvel: Chapter 003 J Jonah Jameson


"Tony and Anton are betting again!"

"Did you just hear about it? They had Adjusted the gameplay this time! I heard it was because of the female celebrity next to Tony!"



"It makes me want to get involved! There are so many female stars in Hollywood that I haven't slept a few of them yet! These two people can play!"

"Money is a small problem. The main reason is that Anton wants to be a film director. Hey, We can’t understand him.”

"There was a good show this time, much more exciting than a movie!"

"Make this gambling into a movie, and label it with Tony Stark. It surely sells well!"

A group of top-notch rich second generations is discussing the gambling agreement between Anton and Tony with great interest. Compared with this, this luxurious dinner party already tastes like chewing wax in their eyes. Now they just want to stare at the most exciting part and chew repeatedly.

"Are they both gone?"

"No, it's still inside."

"There is no fight for the time being. How do you count the game that you just opened?"

"Keep it first, and wait until the movie comes out."

"I heard that if Anton loses, he will be Tony's little boy. Exciting! Exciting!"

A group of rich second generations hurried into the banquet hall and saw two more beauties beside Tony. Anton is the same. Even though he didn't bring a female companion when he came, there was no shortage of women by his side. Anton’s identity is still quite good in New York, and the girls are happy to post it. Besides, the gambling agreement between Tony and Anton is not only spread among the rich second-generation circles but the people who witnessed the eating melons were also surprised. 

The two sides threw out 50 million! This is not how we use money for fun!

"Anton, do you want to make a movie?"

A top-notch enchanting beauty around Anton, her cheeks are almost close to Anton's chest, her hands are around his ears and rubbing her ears. 

"I think Your movie lacks a heroine?"

 "Hahaha, you are right!"

Anton unceremoniously put his arms around her waist and smiled: "Beautiful lady, tonight, are you interested in being my heroine?"

One night romance.

The next day, Anton left the hotel refreshingly.

Before getting in the car, he throws her contact information into the trash can.

------------The Daily Bugle.------------

Betty looked at Anton in surprise. She didn't expect that Anton would come on time. Was the sun coming out from the west now?

"Betty, how long have you been in the newspaper?"

What was even more unexpected was Anton's question.

"From graduation to today, about three years," Betty replied.

"You have always been that old man's assistant, and you know the newspaper very well. Take over my work in the future, I can rest assured, and the old man can rest assured."

"???" Betty has a question mark on his forehead.

"That's it." Anton got up, waved his hand, and left the office. “I will discuss this with the old man."


Betty watched Anton leave without looking back, thinking that Anton might be tired and want to change a place to have fun. However, Jameson might be furious. And as she expected.


"You bastard, do you think my Daily Bugle is a place where you can  come and leave as long as you want?" Jameson slapped the table, reddening and his neck thick.

"Giving your efforts to Betty, who is more reassuring this is a correct decision." Anton stared at the old man in surprise, "Before I took over the newspaper, didn't you plan to train Betty as your heir? "

"Bullshit!" Jameson yelled: "She is your assistant, and she can only be an assistant forever! As the chief editor, it is not yet the turn of a little girl who has just graduated!"

"You are discriminating against women. As a newspaper boss, your **** is crooked!"

"Discrimination ass!" Jameson disdain: "Even if I discriminate, no one will believe me! I am a ‘famous equal rights’ fighter in New York City. Except for the mayor, all councilors have to look at my face! Do you think you can threaten me?"

"I didn't threaten you. I just tell the truth."

Anton is not afraid. Although old man Jameson in front of him was angry, he didn't think it was that scary. Jonah Jameson is most proud of his son, Anton’s cheap dad. 

Anton’s cheap dad accidentally let his girlfriend give birth at nineteen. However, as an astronaut, John spends a quarter of his time on the space station and then spends three-quarters of his time in the astronaut base training and recovering his body. It has been almost a year since he has not seen him, and he has had extremely little rest time.

Anton flipped through the memories in his mind and found that he had a weak impression of his astronaut dad. And his old lady break-up with Jhon Jameson after giving birth to him. She hasn't shown up for so many years, and he doesn't know where she is enjoying her happiness live. The closest person in his life has become this knife-mouthed and tofu heart in front of him. In the original time and space plot.

"Anyway, I don't care about the newspaper!" Anton made a bold decision and said: "I'm going to make a movie. To tell you the truth, old man, I'm thinking about everything."

"You?" Jameson was frustrated and sneered: "Anton, I will never pay this money! You might as well go to Hollywood next door and make a p*o*r*n* film."

Anton automatically ignored Jameson’s and shrugged his shoulders lightly: "I don’t need your money. I have found the prey, oh no, investors!"

"Who?"  Jameson was shocked: "Is there such a stupid person in the world?"

"Good to hear you say that." Anton laughed and said openly: "Because it is rare that we two diehards have reached a unity."

"Tell me who it is?" Jameson hummed: "Who dares to invest money for you? I promise I will run up to him and laugh at him for being brain-dead."


"Your hairstylist?"


"It's Tony from Stark Industries, the top genius inventor of the 21st century. His business involves the arms giants around the world. The **** who has slept with weekly magazine female models. At the same time, the world is rare brain-dead."


Jameson followed in silence. Was he out of touch with society just a few days after retiring?

Tony Stark, the famous muddy and clever man, How can he get mixed up with his NEET grandson?

I think it all smells the same.

"Which female star do you want to sleep with." Jameson thought he had seen through Anton's tricks and rubbed his temples.

Anton righteous said: "Old man, I didn't think you were such a person! I am going to sever a relationship with you for three months. For these three months, leave me alone! I will do my own business!"

"Then should I help you make up your mind and freeze your bank card?"

"Well, I will reconsider the issue of severing our relationship, and I will reply to you tomorrow."

"Seriously, you want to make a movie?”

"Of course, I have all the scripts!"

"Come and let me see it!"

"Uh!" Anton was stuck and quickly said: "I will give it to you when I give you an answer tomorrow."

Anton followed his kindness and returned to the room. Jameson opened his mouth and said nothing in the end. Anyway, this time there is Tony Stark, the famous prodigal son. Just let him do whatever he wants!

Of course, he immediately replaces his will and throws away the cash part that was originally reserved for Anton to the family trust fund. When I die, you will get your salary in the future, brat!

I Signed-In In Tokyo 024

Lynn, Ran, and Sonoko said goodbye to Kazumi Tsukamoto. They went straight to Lynn's upcoming Polo coffee shop.

"This... is this Polo Coffee Shop?"

Ran never imagined the coffee shop downstairs would change so much! The glass, the entire shopfront, and the signboard have been repaired! Although the general layout has not changed, all the counters and seats have become high-end furnishings. Even the walls had new wallpapers and Beautiful hanging paintings. Compared with the ordinary coffee shop before, the Polo coffee shop at the moment is beautiful! Is this the Polo coffee shop she knows? She should not be in the wrong place, right?

"I asked someone to redecorate this morning. Many facilities are quite old. It's time to get new ones."

Ran's shocked expression made Lynn secretly amused. But, he quickly explained the reason.

"But, it's too fast...! It hasn't changed this morning..."

Lynn did explain, but Ran still couldn't accept it. Although modern society keeps changing each passing day, doesn’t it too fast?

"I found a very efficient decoration company. By the way, let's stop watching at the door. Let's go in."

Why does it change so fast?

Money power!

Lynn provided enough banknotes, and the agency service did its best. Lynn is very pleased with this result. The overall layout of the store has not changed a lot.

After opening the store door, Lynn called the middle-aged president and paid the remaining payment. This agency service is very reliable. If there is any need in the future, Lynn thinks of contacting them again.

"Lynn,  Is this your coffee shop? so beautiful."

As the second lady of Suzuki's family, what luxurious place hasn't Sonoko been?  But even so, after walking into the store, she still exclaimed.

"Sonoko, you are welcome. Please sit down. Ran, there are work clothes in the dressing room. You can choose the one you like."

Lynn picked other work clothes that met his identity as a store manager and changed them. As for Ran, there are all kinds of women's work clothes in the dressing room. How to choose depends on Ran's preferences. Lynn was expecting a maid outfit. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how much Ran’s acceptance rate is. If she wears a pink maid outfit, it would be great.

"Okay, I will go now."

After hearing Lynn's words, Ran immediately walked toward the dressing room. But, Sonoko followed her.

"Wait! I'll go too!"

Watching Ran and Sonoko walk into the locker room side by side. Lynn shook his head slightly. He changes, cleans up the equipment, and hangs out the business sign.

[DING!- The check-in task is complete!]

[DING!- You have acquired “Almighty Coffee owner” Title]

The settlement of the check-in task is “running the Polo Coffee Shop” After the coffee shop officially opens, the check-in task finishes.

Before Ran and Sonoko came out, Lynn explored this reward. This “Almighty Coffee owner” exists as a title. When Lynn chooses to use this title, he transforms into a senior manager who has been running a coffee shop for decades and is proficient in all kinds of coffee. The coffee brewing method, even all types of dessert-making techniques! 

Lynn will become the best coffee shop owner As long as he uses this title! But once he takes off this title, the relevant knowledge he has mastered immediately disappears without a trace!

The title is somewhat limited. Lynn can only use one title. He must change it frequently when he gets more. It’s more troublesome compared to skills. But, Lynn would not complain about it.

Lynn discovered that, although the relevant knowledge will disappear, some knowledge remains in his mind. If he chooses to practice, he can quickly absorb this knowledge. In other words, as long as he is willing, even if he does not have this title in the future, he can still achieve the effect of the title by practice. That is something for later.

As for now,

"Sorry, Lynn, I kept you waiting for so long."

 As Ran's voice came, Lynn's stunned. What surprised him was that Ran wore a pink maid outfit! Different from her usual hearty and generous. Ran embraced the apron with her hand, lowered her head, and  Did not dare to look at Lynn. 

Lynn found a blush on her cheeks.

"Lynn, Does Ran look good? I chose it for her!"

Based on Lynn’s understanding of Ran, she would not choose this dress. Not to mention that she is still shy now. The facts also proved that his judgment was correct. 

Sonoko who was wearing a light blue maid outfit shows a rejoicing expression. 

She is the culprit of all this! Lynn wanted to give her 1000 likes!

Good job Sonoko!

But, Why did you use a maid outfit too?

What's going on?