I Signed-In In Tokyo


Short Title: ISIIT

Alternate Title: 我在东京签到打卡

Status: Completed

Completely Translated: No

Author: Happy handsome

Genre: Fan-Fiction, Fantasy

Tags: Absent Parents, Academy, Aristocracy, Beautiful Female Lead, Calm Protagonist, Carefree Protagonist, Crime, Detectives, Early Romance, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Handsome Male Lead, Harem, Harem-seeking Protagonist, Jack of All Trades, Male Protagonist, Martial arts, Narcissistic Protagonist, Nationalism, Polygamy, Reincarnation, Singers, System, Threesome,...

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    Disclaimer This file is solely made for consumption purposes without seeking any profit. Therefore, trading these files in virtual or physical form for the benefit of groups or individuals is strictly prohibited. It is requested to seek permission from the translators when wishing to make the wider distribution of this file. This file is the result of a translation of the work of another party so that if the copyright has been claimed by a third party in the country with the language in question and in this case Indonesia, then it is in accordance with [Law on Copyright Number 19 of 2002 Article 1 Point 9 up to 12 and Chapter VII], the distribution of this file must be stopped and only used for personal purposes. The contents of this file are not owned by the translators, editors or creators of this file. That way, all legal problems that may occur later are not the responsibility of the translator, editor, or file maker and are only the responsibility of the owner of the file itself.


    [DING!- You have acquired a single-family building property right]

    [DING!- You have acquired “100.000.000” Cherry Dollars]

    [DING!- You have acquired “Almighty Coffee owner” Title]

    [DING! - You have acquired the “Almighty Musician” Title]

    Lynn Reincarnated into a two-dimensional world and got the sign-in and check-in system. He was running a Polo coffee shop, going to school, making coffee, and thinking about how to chase the confused detective's beautiful daughter upstairs.

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 1

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 2

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 3

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 4

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 5

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 6

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 7

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 8

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 9

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 10

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 11

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 12

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 13

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 14

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 15

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 16

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 17

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 18

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 19

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 20

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 21

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 22

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 23

    I Signed-In In Tokyo chapter 24

    Chapter 1-50
    This file is solely made for consumption purposes without seeking any profit. Therefore, trading these files in virtual or physical form for the benefit of groups or individuals is strictly prohibited. It is requested to seek permission from the translators when wishing to make the wider distribution of this file. This file is the result of a translation of the work of another party so that if the copyright has been claimed by a third party in the country with the language in question and in this case Indonesia, then it is in accordance with [Law on Copyright Number 19 of 2002 Article 1 Point 9 up to 12 and Chapter VII], the distribution of this file must be stopped and only used for personal purposes. The contents of this file are not owned by the translators, editors or creators of this file. That way, all legal problems that may occur later are not the responsibility of the translator, editor, or file maker and are only the responsibility of the owner of the file itself.